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updated: 25/04/2024 - 18:40 : no cookies!
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Through Macclesfield Forest and Wildboarclough to a first stop at Meerbrook with its visitor centre cafe. Then over the Mermaid and Flash Bar to the Laundrette cafe at Buxton.

The return to Marple involves a very fast drop into the Goyt valley (care!) and some slower climbs before after Kettleshulme.

Not all controls have 24/7 options so you should choose your start time accordingly. You could also record your progress as a GPX file and submit that for validation.
15 2023: 7
14 2022: 3
13 2021: 4
12 2020: 5
11 2019: 15
10 2018: 15
 9  2017: 14
 8  2016: 10
 7  2015: 12
 6  2014: 13
 5  2013: 11
 4  2011: 9
 3  2011: 4
 2  2010: 4
 1  2009: 2