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You can ride this Permanently Available Ride (Perm) at any time, in full, or just pick and choose one or several stages. There is no charge!
You can also count it as an Audax UK Perm, (for which there is an entry fee) but you must send your online entry BEFORE YOU START (and obviously complete the full distance!). Use the eBrevet or send in the usual till receipts to prove that you've reached all the control locations.

Welcome to the Ventoux of Greater Manchester!

Both Ventoux and Werneth Low are indeed hills. One towers over Provence at 1,910m and is a landmark for miles around; not for nothing is it named "le Géant de Provence". Werneth Low might only top out at only 279m but it still offers extensive views. Look for Winter Hill TV transmitter and the Lancashire moorlands. Observe the Cheshire Plains and the Welsh Mountains. The Peak District lies to the south.

Both hills have hosted multi-stage national Cycling Tours; Ventoux was first visited by the Tour de France in 1951 while the Tour of Britain raced over Werneth Low in 2019 and 2023. Not only that, from Werneth Low you can even see where the Tour de France crossed Holme Moss in 2014. You've never been able to see the Tour of Britain from Ventoux!

And both hills can be climbed by bike using multiple routes. There are three ways of reaching the summit of Ventoux by road bike. Werneth Low offers seven!


The nominal start location for this ride, starting from outside (or inside!) Costa. However, you can start from any control by customizing the eBrevet app.There are plenty of stations with regular trains from Manchester.

1) Chadkirk (4km / 173m / 12%)

The longest climb starts from the River Etherow at Chadkirk Chapel. There's a short sharp climb to start with, but the rest of the way through Romiley and Greave shouldn't be too challenging. It shares the last stretch with the Greave climb.

2) Joel Lane (2.8km / 116m / 12%)

This climb is residential all the way, so spare a thought for any cyclist who chooses to live on Joel Lane.

3) Beacon Lane (2.8km / 180m / 18%)

This is my favourite of the 7 climbs, even if it does come straight after a possible café stop at the Etherow Visitor Centre. The surface is tarmac to start with, becoming compacted gravel from Hyde's Farm but it should still be fine for skinny road tyres.

4) Greave (2.1km / 111m / 14%)

This is a steady climb out of Woodley on residential roads until the turn opposite Greave Primary School. From there you are on a narrow lane with sharp bends, so listen out for cars in case they try to squeeze past or block your progress. The climb levels off at the grass triangle where Queen Elizabeth planted some trees in 1967.

5) Apple Street (1.6km / 111m / 24%)

The toughest of the climbs. The route first takes you over Ludworth Moor from where you can take in a fine view Werneth Low. We take the easy way out of Broadbottom to Mottram, but by all means to the detour up Gorsey Brow should you feel inclined. The Apple Street climb starts from the bridge over the Glossop railway line, first on a pot-holed tarmac road to pass Lowend Farm. The road then takes a right turn to reach the business end of the climb, with its concrete surface.

Manchester CTC Perms
Going for Gold
Manchester Sightseer
mini-Manc Sightseer
Station to Station
Werneth Low Rider
Riding in Styal
TfGM Cycling Map
TfGM Trains & Trams

6) Cowlishaw Brow (2.8km / 124m / 25%)

The steepest of the climbs! You might think it's a doddle as you rise out of Romiley, and not too bad as you first turn onto Cowlishaw Road. However, It soon turns into a 1 in 4 monster. The Tour of Britain came up here in 2019, and made it look easy if that helps.

7) Higham Lane (2.3km / 116m / 12%)

This climb starts at Ricky Hatton's gym, which was opened in 2009 by Mohammed Ali. You might float like a butterfly up the gentle climb of Stockport Road, but this section stings like a bee when it turns onto Joel Lane itself.

8) Brabyn's Brow (1.0km / 55m / 16%)

A gratuitous climb not involving Werneth Low to get back to Marple.
 1  2023: 3